January 29, 2019

It’s ACA season and I’m sure that while some of you are prepared, have been tracking every month, and are ready to report, there are many others of you that are starting to remember that it IS that time of year.  So this weeks’ tip relates to everyone’s favorite topic: ACA reporting.  One of the areas of the Form 1094-C that employers tend to miss the most is the in Part III box (a) which requires the employer to states that they offered minimum essential coverage to at least 95% of their workforce in each month of the year.  Missing that one simple check box triggers the IRS to send out one of their notorious 226-J penalty letters.  Employers can go a long way toward preventing receiving one of those letters for a simple oversight by remembering to check that box.  Or even better, contact our partner SyncStream Solutions who is an industry leader in providing top-of-the-line technology to help employers smoothly complete their ACA reporting requirements.  You can find information about their products here: https://www.myhrcounselcompliance.com/syncstream-products