Legislature Considering Economic Stimulus Plans
On March 23, the Senate failed for a second time to pass a comprehensive stimulus bill aimed at combating the devastating economic effects of COVID-19.
The bill could top $1.5-2 trillion, with proposals that have included:
· Payments of $1,200 to most American adults ($2,400 for couples filing jointly), and $500 for dependent children;
· $350 billion for small businesses to prevent mass layoffs;
· $75 billion provider reimbursement fund for COVID-19 related expenses;
· A two-year delay in cuts to Medicaid disproportionate-share hospital payments;
· $1.3 billion in emergency money and an 18-month funding extension for community health centers;
· suspension of the Medicare sequester;
· A hospital add-on payment for COVID-19 patients;
· $1 billion for purchases under the Defense Production Act;
· $1.7 billion for the Strategic National Stockpile.
· $250 billion to bolster the unemployment insurance system; and
· $500 billion loan program for businesses, states, and localities, directed in the Treasury Department’s discretion.
In response, House Democrats announced a stimulus plan, the Take Responsibility for Workers and Families Act, with proposals that include:
· Requirements that corporations getting bailout money shield workers’ wages and benefits;
· Limits on CEO compensation, stock buybacks and layoffs;
· Direct payments of $1,500 to taxpayers, up to $7,500 for a family of five;
· Expanded paid family and medical leave;
· $500 billion for grants and interest-free loans to small businesses;
· Up to $600 billion to strengthen unemployment insurance;
· $150 billion in increased funding for hospitals;
· Tougher safety standards for health-care workers;
· Elimination of medical costs for all Americans, including uninsured, for treatments and vaccines relating to COVID-19;
· Language urging the president to invoke the Defense Production Act to manufacture more health-care supplies;
· Nearly $60 billion in funding for schools and universities along with student debt relief;
· More funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and other food assistance programs; and
· $4 billion in state election grants and a national requirement for 15 days of early voting and no-excuse absentee voting as fears grow about coronavirus spreading at crowded polling sites.
Both bills are in proposal stages. Stay tuned for updates.
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